Friday, February 6, 2009

First Week In February

Well, it's February, but honestly, things are heating up. Grocery stores are being built all over town... jese. Go figure. Under an unseasonably warm sky, the young New Leaf continues to unfurl.

Brand placement for Slatter. We worked with the same crew on the interior in Half Moon Bay, and there is the strange feeling of extended family... we laugh, we cry. The Half Moon Bay project was before the fall of the empire and unpressured by the local expansion of Whole Foods, so this project has a more dire feeling than we had before...

On some level, its all about how we share space when we cohabitate, us humans...

And power... PG&E finally came to hook us up.

They don't like to share space, so we had to send AT&T home....

Backlit electricians in the deli... Mike on the left, Jason on the right.

JB, our site manager, and Josh and Jared take a break from building the store... they are sitting around the soon to be fireplace in the seating area outside the Cafe and bakery.

There are crazy metal beams supporting the ceiling and we have to cut the shelves around them.... it's a loud business. Jared is the main Shelfslayer.

I thought this shot was like ALMOST as good as Shmuel Thaler....

And in the middle of all of it.... we're starting to stock groceries....

UNFI is in the house.

Eric takes a drive by with the forklift..

Bonnie is rocking the house!

A pure field of grocery potential...


Not only is the store full of orbs, two portals were also discovered this week.
This one is right in front of the NBC counter. When you step through it, you end up at Natural Bridges! Very cool.

This one is more disturbing and I can't discuss it.

And then there is the sea of tile.

Well, the good news is we all have plenty of work....

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