Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Pile of Tile

Well, it's true, we bought a mountain of Claymonde tile from Fireclay for just $5 a square foot for every square foot we needed covered at Ingalls.... it seemed like a good idea at the time. It was really Steven's idea....he doesn't LOOK crazy, does he?

Ok, well, appearances can be deceiving. I am left to wonder if he was crazy BEFORE we bought the tile, or whether the tile is having an effect on him.

We have our own little chicken coop of tile out in the parking lot... here is a closeup of one of the MANY piles.

Here is some tile that has been tamed and brought inside for the Meat/Seafood department.

These are our fabulous tile guys cutting tile. I say fabulous, because they are going to turn that pile into a tile covered wall. It is really much harder than it sounds, and they really have to be patient with us. It is hard to talk art at a construction site, the timelines are just so different.

But it's important. On the right, the first attempt. On the left, the attempt at fixing it.

This is Keith, the head tile manager. These are the same guys that did Downtown for us, so we know they have mad skills.... Here he is having a go at changing the main field of color to blue/lavender so the white and biscuit colored tile become accents instead of dominant...

oh yeah, we're going to drive him nuts too before this is over. So far though, he shows no signs of cracking.... except he did look a little bit like he wanted to stab me with a tile shard when I brought out the camera. Ah, who can blame him?

Stay tuned for more episodes from "As the Pile Diminishes".....

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